Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Almost done. Dave is coming by this afternoon to finish up the grout. HOT DAMN WE ALMOST HAVE A KITCHEN.

I'm currently trying to secure the bin pulls to the drawers. The previous handles had large screws that went from the inside out into the housing of the handle. These pulls have screw heads on the outside, with the dainty little screws ideally resting snuggly in the wood of the drawer. However, they just spin in circles in the vast existing holes, and then the drawer pull comes off when pulled. Instead of you know, pulling the drawer. I got some fat screws, which are also ridiculously long, and sharp at the ends. They still spin inside the hole a little, so I'm going to have to find some nuts or caps and (gasp!) use them on some wood screws. Just don't tell any of my coworkers. And then, when the nuts secure the screws in place, I'll hack off the ends of the screws with a mini hack saw or this little toy my dad has that spins tiny discs around. We used it to make some total hack job shelves one year in college, shaving off screw ends rather than spending another five minutes in the hardware store finding the right screws. But in this case, it's really hard to come across black or antique rubbed-bronze looking machine screws.

Without further ado:

currently (well, taken first thing sunday morning. after a day's worth of work on sunday, it still seems to look very much the same. sad times):

I'm also going to purchase some hose to connect the stove to the gas valve thing in the wall tomorrow. The local utility will be out on Thursday to inspect the safety of the connection etc. This doesn't change the fact that I have no freaking clue how to turn on the stove. Whatever. KITCHEN! TOMORROW! (Except for, of course, the cabinet doors, which are approximately 5% complete. Pesky details. Cabinet doors are so bourgeois anyway).

[by julia 11:05 PM]

texas street

a 1929ish craftsman bungalow in a wee california town.

and we totally have a gun rack.




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a fisherman's house
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